Sunday, October 10, 2010


Natural Blood Red Genuine Ruby

Ruby represents the Surya Graha (Sun). In Sanskrit Ruby is called as Manikya, Padmaraga, Lohitha, Shonarathna, Raviratna, Shonothpala, Kuruvinda, Sougandhika, and Vasurathna.

In Hindi it is called as Chunni, Rugal.

In Urdu & Persian it is called as Yakootha.

In English is known as Ruby.

Ruby belongs to the Corundum family.

It's chemical composition is Aluminium oxide with chromium.

Availability of Ruby: Rubies are available in Thailand, Bangkok, Burma, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka,
Tanzania, Madagascar, Vietnam, Nepal, Tajikistan, Pakistan, USA, Kenya and Greenland.

The Ruby from Burma which is as red as the Pigeon's blood is considered the finest and best quality Ruby.

The Rubies found in Sri Lanka and Australia are used mainly in watches.

Testing of Ruby:
1. The real ruby when you place on your eyes it gives a smoothening effect otherwise it gives irritating effect.
2. The density in the real stone is high where as it is low in the fake stone.
3.When the real stone is kept in a tumbler of milk, the milk turns into the colour of the gem.

4.When you place a real gem on the ice cubes, it makes a sound, fake gems don't make any sound.
5. Along with Ruby the Diamond, the Blue Sapphire, Gomedhaand Vaiduryashould not be worn, because they are dire enemy gems to Ruby which brings malefic results.

When and how to wear a Ruby:
1.Should be worn either on a Sunday, Monday, Thursday mornings in gold
2.To be worn on Sunday, Hasta Nakshatra, Shukla Paksha of any month.
3.The Ruby should be immersed in fresh raw milk.

After that please do the pooja with Red cloth, Red Sandal, Red Rice, Red flowers and Kumkuma, along with the Ruby should be placed  in front the god.

The Mantras to be recited is:
1.JapaKusuma| Sankaasham| Kashayapeyam| 
   Mahadutheem| Thamorim| Sarvapaapagnam| 
   Pranathosmi| Divakaram|

2.Om DruneemSuryayaNamaha

These mantras are to be recited 7,000 times

Should be worn on right hand in ring finger.

Benefits of wearing a Ruby:
1. To overcome sorrows and Difficulties
2. To improve courage and confidence level in a person
3. For financial improvement
4. To gain name and fame
5. To increase the haemoglobin content in the blood.
6. To overcome cold related ailments
7. To cure the chronic fevers
8. To increase the digestive powers (increase the metabolism)

9. To overcome the joint pains

Basically Ruby represents the Surya Graha, Surya being the Atma Karaka and AarogyaKaraka, wearing of Ruby defiantly improves the health of the person.

sourceGems in our daily Life  Prof. Dr. N. S. Murthy


The Seven Rays and the Chakras... Colour... Quality

1. Base of Spine Chakra, Red, Life 

2. Spleen or Sexual OrganChakra,  Orange,  Energy

3. Solar PlexusChakra (Adrenal Glands), Yellow, Intellect

4. Heart Chakra (Thymus Gland), Green,  Harmony, Sympathy

5. Throat Chakra (Thyroid Gland), Blue, Religious inspiration

6. Eye Chakra (Pituitary Gland),  Indigo, Intuition

7. Crown Chakra (Pineal Gland), Violet, Spirituality

Roots of Plants which represents the Grahas

Roots of Plants which represents the Grahas are...

Surya Graha :    Roots  -  Bilwapattra,   Colour  - Pink Thread, Day - Sunday

Chandra : Roots - Khirani, Colour - White Thread, Day - Monday

Mangala:  AnathaMoola,   Red Thread, Tuesday

Budha:  Nelagumbala,  GreenThread,  Wednesday

Guru : Gantubharangya/Banana Plant, Yellow Thread, Thursday

Shukra:  Kuggi,  White Thread,  Friday

Shani: ChelinaKandi, Black Thread, Saturday

Rahu: White Sandal,  Blue Thread,  Saturday

Ketu:  Ashwagandha,  Blue Thread,  Tuesday

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Diamond - hardest and precious gem. colours...white, yellow, black. 

Emerald - Green, Green mixed with white, both transparent and non-transparent.

Yellow Sapphire - Yellow or white colour. Transparent.

Blue Sapphire - Dark blue, light blue, transparent.

Ruby - Red colour, red mixed with black, transparent. 

Pearl - White, Black, Green, Yellow, Bluish.

Red Coral - Red, White, Maroon.

Gomeda(Hessonite)Honey coloured

Vaidurya (Cat's Eye) - A real miracle of Nature with optical reflectance effect like cat's eye ball

These are the Healing Gems


Gemology is also called as Crystology or Crystal Astrology, because gems have another name Crystals.
Crystal Astrology unites and maps spiritual truth and guidance with the stars and the Crystal Elements. The power contained in the Crystal Elements enhances  the native talents and it energizes our life.

All Gems have an inherent superior natural power based on which they help in removing the bad effects of the Malefic Grahas and establish happiness and peace in life.All gems can be divided into 2 types, they are..
1.Precious Gems.
2.Semi-Precious Gems.


The origin of gems is considered in 2 ways...
1.Mineral Gems - They are formed due to reaction of the various chemical fluids in the earth.The quantity of chemical fluids in different gems is different, because of this reason their colour, brightness, and hardness is also different. ex. Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Cat's Eye, Sapphire, Hessonite.

2.Organic GemsGems created by organic beings or creatures in the oceans.
Ex. Pearl and Coral. The chemical properties Found in these gems are..Carbon, Barileum, Calcium, Aluminium,
Hydrogen, Phosphorous, Manganese, Potassium, etc.

Classification of Gems

Gems of Marthyaloka are divided into 3 parts:

The Navaratnas are 9 gems assigned to the Navagrahas (Nine Grahas) which are used for the propagation of the Navagrahas and for getting beneficial results.

According to Brihat Jataka, the Mani-mala verse 79 and the Jataka Parijata Chap. 2, Sloka21:

MaaNikyaM taraNeH sujaatyamamalaM
muktaaphalaM shiitagoH
Maaheyasya cha vidrumaM marakataM
saumyasya gaarutmatama
Devejyasya cha puShparaajamasuraachaaryasya vajraM

shaneH NiilaM nirmalamanyayoshcha gadite

It means that...Ruby is for Surya, Pearl for the Chandra, Red Coral for Mangala, Emerald for Budha, Yellow sapphire for Guru, Diamond for Shukra, Blue sapphire for Shani, Hessonite (Gomedha) for Rahu Cat's Eye (Vaidurya) for Ketu.

The Panchratnas are called as Maha Ratnas, they are:
3.Blue Sapphire

The Uparathnas are semi-precious gemstones, some of them are used instead of the Navaratnas, they are:

Gems in Mythology According to Brihat Samhita

According to Brihat Samhita the Gemstones originated when Lord Indra killed the Demon King Bala, whose body parts turned into the precious stones.

King Bala's forehead became the Diamond.

His mind became the Pearl.

His blood turned into Rubies.

His bile converted into Emerald.

His blood drops which fell into the sea turned
into Coral.

His flesh turned into Yellow Sapphire.

His eye balls turned into the Blue Sapphire.

The fat in his body turned into Hessonite.

The fibres and veins in his body converted into

His sacred thread turned into Cats eye.

His semen turned to Bheeshma Parhana.

His excreta turned into Masar Mani.

His hair turned to Lapis Lazuli.

His tongue became the Ulook Mani.

His chest turned into Touch stones.

The sweat drops turned into Crystals.

His cough converted into Upalak Mani.

The fore part of his brain turned into

His skin turned to TailaMani.

His stomach turned into Ghreetha Mani.

His forehead turned to Jyothirasam.

There are many wonderful gems in many parts
of the earth. Hence Bhoomi(Mother Earth) is also called as

In Hindu Mythology all the Gemstones can be
classified into three types, they are...
1.Gems of Swargaloka
2.Gems of Patalaloka
3.Gems of Marthyaloka

The Gems of Swargalokaare worn by Gods like the Syamantakamani, Chintamani,
Kausthabhamani, Rudramani,etc.

There are NineGems of Patalaloka which are worn by NineNagasor Serpents which rule over the Patalaloka. These gems are each of different colour and the lights from the gems illuminate the entire Patalaloka.

The Gems of Marthyalokaare the ones that is known to and worn by Humans.

These gems of Marthyaloka are further divided into 3 parts.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gems In Mythology

Syamanthaka Mani is a red colored mani worn by Lord Indra, Satrajita, and lord Krishna. syamantaka is represented by surya. according to jyothisha in navarathnas manikya is the gem that represents surya graha.

Kaustubha Mani is a lotus colored divine mani worn by Lord vishnu.
Fourteen rathnas emerged at the time of samudra manthana. The fourth rathna that emerged is known as Kaustubha Mani.

Rudra mani is a gold colored mani worn by Lord Shiva.

Chintamani is a white colored mani worn by Lord Brahma which has the power to fulfill any wishes of a human being.

Garuda Pachhe has the ability to absorb snake poison from person's body.

The Shirorathna is worn by Ashwathama son of dronacharya.

Parusha Mani turns iron to gold.

The Greeks greatly valued Asteria( star shaped structure) in gemstones, which is regarded as powerful love charm.

Helen of Troy was known to have worn star corundum,

Our Life with Gems

Moolatho Brahma Roopaya
Madhyatho Vishnu Roopiney
Agratho Shiva Roopayathe namaha.

Which means ... The roots of the tree are represented by Lord Brahma, The center of the tree is represented by Lord Vishnu, The branches of the tree are represented by Lord Shiva.

Similarly the Maharishis also identified the roots of the plants and these plants which represents the navagrahas. All the planets are also of paramatma amsha. The Gemstones represent these grahas hence these gemstones possess the Paramatma amsha. These Gems are remedies as given in the Parihara Jyothisha.

Gemology is a knowledge dealing with the precious and semi precious gems gemstones. It is considered as geosciences and a branch of mineralogy. In astrology it is believed that Gems play a vital role as a Parihara for our past and present karmas and to improve the present and future life.

Gemology can be traced back to many sacred texts like...

The Rig veda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Skanda purana, Garuda maha purana, Rathna Pariksha, Brihat Samhita, Artha Shastra, The Tanakh (Jewish Hebrew Bible), The Holy Bible, Ayurveda and many other scriptures and texts in almost all cultures and religions of the world. Many gems have been mentioned in these texts along with how and why they originated and who wore them.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Choose Your Gem

Born on 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28 of any month!

You are a person of number 1, ruled by the Sun.

Your colors are Red and Orange.

Your Power Gem is Ruby the king of the gemstones In the fascinating world of gemstones, the ruby is the undisputed ruler, brings Passion, Power, Love and Vivacity.

Ruby is the red variety of the mineral corundum, one of the hardest minerals on Earth, of which the sapphire is also a variety. Pure corundum is colourless. Slight traces of elements such as chrome, iron, titanium or vanadium are responsible for the colour. These gemstones have excellent hardness. On the Mohs scale their score of 9 is second only to that of the diamond. Only red corundum is entitled to be called ruby, all other colors being classified as sapphires. The close relationship between the ruby and the sapphire has only been known since the beginning of the 19th century. Up to that time, red garnets or spinels were also thought to be rubies. That, indeed, is why the 'Black Ruby' and the 'Timur Ruby', two of the British Crown Jewels, were so named, when they are not actually rubies at all, but spinels.

Red for ruby. Ruby-red. The most important thing about this precious stone is its colour. It was not for no reason that the name 'ruby' was derived from the Latin word 'rubens', meaning 'red'. The red of the ruby is incomparable: warm and fiery. Two magical elements are associated with the symbolism of this colour: fire and blood, implying warmth and life for mankind. So ruby-red is not just any old colour, no, it is absolutely undiluted, hot, passionate, powerful colour. Like no other gemstone, the ruby is the perfect way to express powerful feelings. Instead of symbolising a calm, controlled affection, a ring set with a precious ruby bears witness to that passionate, unbridled love that people can feel for each other.

Birthplaces of fine rubies

Which is the most beautiful ruby-red? Good question. The red of a ruby may involve very different nuances depending on its origin. The range of those nuances is quite wide, and could perhaps be compared to hotel categories, from luxury accommodation down to a plain inn or hostel. For example, if the gemstone experts refer to a 'Burmese ruby', they are talking about the top luxury category. However, it does not necessarily follow that the stone is of Burmese origin. It is basically an indication of the fact that the colour of the ruby in question is that typically shown by stones from the famous deposits in Burma (now Myanmar): a rich, full red with a slightly bluish hue. The colour is sometimes referred to as 'pigeon-blood-red', but the term 'Burmese colour' is a more fitting description. A connoisseur will immediately associate this colour with the legendary 'Mogok Stone Tract' and the gemstone centre of Mogok in the North of Myanmar. Here, the country's famous ruby deposits lie in a mountain valley surrounded by high peaks. Painstakingly, gemstones of an irresistible luminosity are brought to light in the 'valley of the rubies'. Unfortunately, really fine qualities are quite rare even here. The colour of a Burmese ruby is regarded as exceptionally vivid. It is said to display its unique brilliance in any light, be it natural or artificial.

The journey to the world's most important ruby deposits takes us further on to the small town of Mong Hsu in the North-East of Myanmar, where the most important ruby deposits of the nineties lie. Originally, it was believed that these rubies would hardly prove suitable for use in jewellery, since untreated Mong Hsu ruby crystals actually display two colours: a purple to black core and a bright red periphery. Only when it had been discovered that the dark core could be turned into deep red by means of heat treatment did rubies from Mong Hsu begin to find their way on to the jewellery market. Today, the Mong Hsu gemstone mines are still among the most important ruby suppliers. In the main, they offer heat-treated rubies in commercial qualities and sizes between 0.5 and 3 carats.

Ruby deposits also exist in neighbouring Vietnam, near the Chinese border. Rubies of Vietnamese origin generally display a slightly purplish hue. Rubies from Thailand, another classical supplier, however, often have a darker red which tends towards brown. This 'Siamese colour' - an elegantly muted deep red - is considered second in beauty only to the Burmese colour, and is especially popular in the USA. Ceylon rubies, which have now become very rare, are mainly light red, like ripe raspberries.

Other ruby deposits are located in Northern Pakistan in the Hunza Valley, Kashmir, Tadzhikistan, Laos, Nepal, and Afghanistan. But rubies are also produced in India, where deposits with relatively large crystals were discovered in the federal states of Mysore and Orissa. These crystals have many inclusions, but they are, nevertheless, eminently suited to being cut as beads or cabochons.

Lately, people have begun to talk about East Africa as a source of rubies. Straight after their discovery in the 1960s, rubies from Kenya and Tanzania surprised the experts by their beautiful, strong colour, which may vary from light to dark red. But in the African mines too, fine and clear rubies of good colour, purity and size are very rare. Usually the qualities mined are of a merely average quality.

Colour above (almost) everything

As we have said, colour is a ruby's most important feature. Its transparency is only of secondary importance. So inclusions do not impair the quality of a ruby unless they decrease the transparency of the stone or are located right in the centre of its table. On the contrary: inclusions within a ruby could be said to be its 'fingerprint', a statement of its individuality and, at the same time, proof of its genuineness and natural origin. The cut is essential: only a perfect cut will underline the beauty of this valuable and precious stone in a way befitting the 'king of the gemstones'. However, a really perfect ruby is as rare as perfect love. If you do come across it, it will cost a small fortune. But when you have found 'your' ruby, don't hesitate: hang on to it!