Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Life with Gems

Moolatho Brahma Roopaya
Madhyatho Vishnu Roopiney
Agratho Shiva Roopayathe namaha.

Which means ... The roots of the tree are represented by Lord Brahma, The center of the tree is represented by Lord Vishnu, The branches of the tree are represented by Lord Shiva.

Similarly the Maharishis also identified the roots of the plants and these plants which represents the navagrahas. All the planets are also of paramatma amsha. The Gemstones represent these grahas hence these gemstones possess the Paramatma amsha. These Gems are remedies as given in the Parihara Jyothisha.

Gemology is a knowledge dealing with the precious and semi precious gems gemstones. It is considered as geosciences and a branch of mineralogy. In astrology it is believed that Gems play a vital role as a Parihara for our past and present karmas and to improve the present and future life.

Gemology can be traced back to many sacred texts like...

The Rig veda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Skanda purana, Garuda maha purana, Rathna Pariksha, Brihat Samhita, Artha Shastra, The Tanakh (Jewish Hebrew Bible), The Holy Bible, Ayurveda and many other scriptures and texts in almost all cultures and religions of the world. Many gems have been mentioned in these texts along with how and why they originated and who wore them.

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