Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gems in Mythology According to Brihat Samhita

According to Brihat Samhita the Gemstones originated when Lord Indra killed the Demon King Bala, whose body parts turned into the precious stones.

King Bala's forehead became the Diamond.

His mind became the Pearl.

His blood turned into Rubies.

His bile converted into Emerald.

His blood drops which fell into the sea turned
into Coral.

His flesh turned into Yellow Sapphire.

His eye balls turned into the Blue Sapphire.

The fat in his body turned into Hessonite.

The fibres and veins in his body converted into

His sacred thread turned into Cats eye.

His semen turned to Bheeshma Parhana.

His excreta turned into Masar Mani.

His hair turned to Lapis Lazuli.

His tongue became the Ulook Mani.

His chest turned into Touch stones.

The sweat drops turned into Crystals.

His cough converted into Upalak Mani.

The fore part of his brain turned into

His skin turned to TailaMani.

His stomach turned into Ghreetha Mani.

His forehead turned to Jyothirasam.

There are many wonderful gems in many parts
of the earth. Hence Bhoomi(Mother Earth) is also called as

In Hindu Mythology all the Gemstones can be
classified into three types, they are...
1.Gems of Swargaloka
2.Gems of Patalaloka
3.Gems of Marthyaloka

The Gems of Swargalokaare worn by Gods like the Syamantakamani, Chintamani,
Kausthabhamani, Rudramani,etc.

There are NineGems of Patalaloka which are worn by NineNagasor Serpents which rule over the Patalaloka. These gems are each of different colour and the lights from the gems illuminate the entire Patalaloka.

The Gems of Marthyalokaare the ones that is known to and worn by Humans.

These gems of Marthyaloka are further divided into 3 parts.

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